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Walk and Talk

23/03/2022 Top News
Walk and Talk

We are all familiar with walking and with talking, putting these two familiar ways of being together in the open air with counselling or therapy has been proven to be good for us both physically and psychologically.

Mind reported on their research saying that thirty four percent of us find work life either very or quite stressful.  The Living Streets Survey found that over eighty percent of people reported an uplift in mood after going for a walk outside.

Walking in the countryside can help reduce depression, anxiety and stress.  I offer walk and talk counselling in the beautiful countryside near Richmond North Yorkshire.  Many people have reported finding it easier to speak of what is concerning them outside amongst nature, feeling the freedom of the air around them rather than the constraint of a room, a seat or a computer.

The walk can be as fast or slow as you are able. There are many accessible pathways and routes on my doorstep  which we can access using a wheelchair if your mobility is compromised in such ways that a wheelchair is needed.

DO get in touch if you think Walking and Talking Counselling might be something you would find helpful.

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