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Kathy and David

Yvonne led a quest day for our Church which was going through a time of change.  She was sensitive  to our needs.  The things that she had planned helped us to reflect on the goodness of God reflected in the ministry of Jesus along with helping us to see how we can be carriers of God's goodness into the community.  There was also time to be realistic about the thorny issues in life and the loads we carry.  Yvonne's approach was gentle, with her spoken guidance generating a stillness, with the areas for creative response being challenging without being threatening.  The day would have been accessible to those who were experienced in the discipline of quiet days as well as those for whom this was their first ever quiet day.  Everyone spoke sp positively of the experience the following day, one lady said "I didnt know what to expect, but it was better than I expected."

Kathy and David.



Hello Yvonne, 

Thank you for our final session yesterday it was one which I enjoyed very much and it made me really realise how far I have come! I suppose one doesn’t notice it that much on a week-to-week basis and yes it was like a celebration of how much you have helped me achieve! 

Thank you so much for all your help and support, I have enjoyed the session’s immensely. A couple of months ago I wouldn’t have believed I would feel ready to negotiate things myself. It is great to know however that I can pop back for a top up session whenever I feel the need!


Eveyone agreed these meetings have been fantastic,  I love the right brain and left brain approach that you have used.  If has been so effective and leaves us in a far better place.  You've moved a struggling group to an encouraged and affirmed core team.  It's also build up a lot of confidence and resilence on the team to move forward into the future.

Thank you again, Al.


Hello Yvonne

Hope you are keeping well, I just thought I would check in with you and give you a little bit of an update since we stopped our sessions in November.  Firstly my partner and I got engaged at the start of December and by the end of December we found out we are expecting.  Our little boy is due in August, I’m a strong believer of everything happening for a reason and I truly believe our work together allowed a lot of what has happened.  I also have such a good work life balance, so much so that my colleagues have used the words unrecognisable to describe me.  I often think back to how I used to be and it’s remarkable.

The differences in me that I’ve noticed have been vast.  Of course, I still have things to work on, as humans we always will.  No one is perfect, but working with you has given me the confidence to keep working on me and in some areas putting myself first were previously I did not.


It’s near two months since we last met and a good time to reflect on the results from our sessions together.

My aim when we first met was to press the rest button and get my muddled head back on track.   We did much better than that and with your guidance I found an easier path for me to follow.  I have taken the strategies we worked on and implemented them in daily life since.  The result is that I have become more measured and relaxed in my everyday life.   There is still drama in the triangle, but it’s my drama and I can handle it.

Truth is I am in a much better frame of mind nowadays and long may it continue.

Many thanks John